joaquin mendozas blog

my name is joaquin mendoza, i am currently attending HPIAM high school, i am a freshmen and i am required to use and uplode on this blog, this is not my choice

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

the power of study groups

The power as study groups
Part 3
Here are some guidelines for creating and running a study group: how many? Create a group of four to six people. In a larger group, it’s easier for someone to get left out and in smaller groups it’s easier to get off track.
Who? Pick classmates who seem to share your interest in doing well academically. Look for people to stay alert in class, take notes, ask questions and respond to the teacher’s question. Include someone who understands the material better than you and can explain the concept, but also someone who doesn’t understand it as well and that you could explain the concept to.
Where? Hold study group sessions at a place that doesn’t have distractions and that has room to spread out books and notes.
How long? Meet for no more than two to three hours at a time. Having a time limit helps a group focus.  If you know that you only have on hour, you’ll most likely stay on task.
When? Try to meet regularly, on the same day and time each week. Treating the study session as you would other activities helps you stay on schedule and ensures that everyone attends.
Choose the right

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