joaquin mendozas blog

my name is joaquin mendoza, i am currently attending HPIAM high school, i am a freshmen and i am required to use and uplode on this blog, this is not my choice

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“To be great – concentrate”
Orson sweet Mardin
REFLECTION: This post is saying that concentration is needed to be successful because they key to success will always be concentration.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“The man who has no imagination has no wing.”
Muhammad Ali
Reflection: if you have no imagination, you won’t be able to achieve anything , Because you won’t be able to imagine something you want in life.

speaking skills

Speaking skills
2 of 10
When you’re assigned a class presentation, think twice before dismissing it as an unimportant part of your education. Employers look for speaking skills in job applicants, who may have to show a presentation to clients or represent their organization in the field. It’s never too soon to practice good eye contact and other public speaking techniques
According to the book of lists, the fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of the majority of people. Far above the fear of death and disease, comes the fear of standing in front of a crowd. Joel wiener noted author and public speaker wants to help people overcome that fear.
“The biggest fear is public speaking, with 15% of American experiencing a dramatic fear of it,“ said Dr. Michael Telch of the laboratory for the study of anxiety disorder (LSAD) in the department of phycology at the university of Texas at Austin. “People have to turn down jobs, and certainly student have dropped classes because of it.”
Regardless of your occupation, your success depends a great deal upon your ability to communicate effectively! Whether you’re running a meeting, selling a product, making a presentation, motivating co-workers or just communicating one-on-one with others, you’ll get far better results if you can speak persuasively, smoothly, and intelligently.
Choose the right

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is filled with educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
-Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the united states
Reflection: this post is saying that nothing in this world can replace persistence because if you want to accomplish anything you need persistence, and if you don’t have it, then you won’t be able to accomplish anything.

writing skills

Writing skills
1 of 10
Communication is at the top of the list of skills that employers look for. And communication in the work place often means writing. Health professionals keep patient charts, researchers depend on the money they collect by writing grant applications, software engineer’s write technical specifications, and nearly everyone writes and e-mail to someone inside or outside of their organization. And before you even get the chance for a job interview, you must present yourself in cover letters and resumes. so by taking papers seriously and doing your best on every research paper, every lab report that you rite, every new post that you write on your blog, and every writing activity you take participation in, your preparing yourself for a good career.
Choose the right

Friday, May 17, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.”
-Matt Biondi
Reflection: this post is saying that if you always have persistence and never give up you can/will achieve your goal

exam day: survival tips

Exam day: survival tips
Test taking
Part 2
During the test read the directions
It’s important that you follow the instructions exactly. For example, some questions may have more than one correct answer.
Answer easy questions first.
Doing this can jog your memory about useful facts. You may also come across some information that can help you with other questions.
Answer every question.
Unless there is a penalty for wrong answers, answer every other questions; you may be able to get partial credit for those you begin but don’t complete correctly.
Ask question.
If a question isn’t clear, talk to your teacher. If that’s not possible, explain your answer in the margin
Choose the right.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“Improve your performance by improving your attitude”
Reflection: this post is saying that if you want to improve one of your performance skills then you must first improve your attitude on that skill, because if a person wants to do good in school but hates doing work, their grades will not improve.

exam day: survival skills

Exam day: survival tips
Part 1
Essential test-taking advice
Try out these strategies while you’re still in high school, and by the time that you’re in college you’ll be a test taking expert.
Before the test eat well
Studies show that you need good nutrition to concentrate and perform your best.
Bring the right supplies
Bring your pencils, erasers, pens, rulers, compasses, calculators or whatever else you need on a testing day.
Review the whole test before you start.
See how many sections and what type of the questions are on the test. Determine how much time to allow for completing each section.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“Always do right.”
Mark twain
Reflection: this post is saying to always do what is right no matter what because if you don’t do what is right, you are doing something wrong, and that’s not right. Choose the right

online learning

Online learning
Part 2
More tips
Finally, look beyond the article for more clues.
·         Read the website homepage and about us page. Look for a a mission statement to learn more about the site, its purpose and the organization sponsoring it.
·         If there is an author listed, look for a biography that discuss the authors education, profession and other revelent background. If there is no bio on the site, search for one elsewhere on the web.
·         Check dates. Facts can change over time, so see if the site shows when it was last updated.
·         Presentation counts; look at everything from design to spelling. A clean, well-organized sight shows a certain degree of professionalism.
·         Avoid sites that are pornographic, vulgar, inappropriate, below bar, suggestive, and falsify.
Choose the right

Friday, May 3, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“be quick, but don’t get to a hurry”
-john wooden
Reflection: this post is saying that a person should do things quickly but if they start to hurry then they become messy, so that you should always be quick but at a steady pace

It’s Online, but is it on target?

It’s Online, but is it on target?
Part 1
Using the web wisely
Thanks to the web, information is easy to find. However, it’s also easy to
post something online.  Anyone can do it.
You’ve probably used the internet to do research for a paper, to help you
decide which product to buy, or to form an opinion about current events.
Looking up information online is fast and convenient. But when you do
online research, it’s important to find sites you can trust.
Many websites claim to have the facts, but are full of errors. Others
present information in a biased way – they only give one side of an
argument. How can you tell a reliable source from an unreliable one?
Appropriate, never anything pornographic, vulgar, indecent, out of taste,
untruthful, or obscene. Post those things that will make a good name for
you and your organization, that will promote goodwill and be of benefit to
the world.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“When an archer misses a target , he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit bulls-eye is never the fault of the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself.”
-Gilbert Arland
Reflection: this post is saying that if you want to make a change, you need to change yourself first.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“The first law of success… is concentration; to bend all energies into one point, and go directly into that point, looking neither to the right nor left.”
William Mathews
Reflection: that if you need to get something done or you want to reach a goal, you should keep your eye on the prize and never glance away because someone might pop out and take it from you.


As you survey the text, ask a question for each section. Ask what, why, how, when, who and where questions as they relate to the content. Here’s how you can create questions:
·       Turn the title, headings or subheadings into questions.
·       Rewrite the questions at the end of the chapter or after each subheading in your own words.
Write down your questions. Questions help you pay attention, understand the text better and recall the information more easily later on.
Read one section of the chapter at a time, actively looking for an answer to your questions for that section. Pay attention to bold and italicized text that authors use to make important points.
Be sure to review everything in the section, including tables, graphs and illustrations—these features can communicate an idea more powerfully than written text.

Choose the Right!!