joaquin mendozas blog

my name is joaquin mendoza, i am currently attending HPIAM high school, i am a freshmen and i am required to use and uplode on this blog, this is not my choice

Monday, October 8, 2012

The “C” student
Part 3
6. EFFORT: students are capable of sufficient effort, but either fail to realistically evaluate the effort needed to accomplish a task successfully, or lack the desire to meet the challenge. They put forward very little effort. They don’t realize they will be awarded according to the amount of effort they put into a project. Little effort=bad results
7. COMMUNICATIONS: “c” students communicate in ways that often limit comprehension or risk misinterpretation. Ideas are not well formulated before they are expressed. Poor listening habits inhibit matching inquiry and response.
8. RESULTS: THE “C” Students obtain mediocre or inconsists results on tests. They have some concept of what is going on but clearly have not mastered the material
Source: the teaching professor. Paraphrased from John H. Williams, clarifying grade expectations, august/September, 1993 and Paul Solomon and Annette Nellon, communicating about the behavioral dimensions of grades, February, 1996
Choose the Right 

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